ReliaSol has signed a partnership agreement with ASKOM
29 May 2020

ReliaSol has signed a partnership agreement with ASKOM

ReliaSol, an IT company specializing in the implementation of solutions in the area of predictive maintenance, has signed a partnership agreement with ASKOM – an integrator of automation systems and production management.

ReliaSol cooperation with ASKOM

The scope of ASKOM’s services and solutions (operating, among others, in the food, energy, chemistry, coke and machine industries) naturally complements the offer of ReliaSol. This enables both companies to address complex customer demand for the integration of production systems with management systems extended by predictive maintenance.  

We see the need to implement solutions in the industry based on artificial intelligence that predict failures and adverse events. Cooperation with the qualified staff from ReliaSol, specializing in the field of advanced data analysis and having experience in the industry, ensures effectiveness in solving the comprehensive problems of our clients – Tomasz Janiczek, Sales and Marketing Department Director at ASKOM.

A wide approach will help clients in the optimization of the scope of integration, while reducing maintenance costs by minimizing unexpected machine downtime. This will enable clients to increase production margins. 

ASKOM has extensive competence and experience. Moreover, it is open to innovations and expanding its service portfolio in order to ensure further support for clients in the achievements of the status of Industry 4.0 – Mateusz Marzec, CEO of ReliaSol.

The agreement concluded between the companies covers the scope of the so-called Referral Partner – i.e. an active recommendation of mutual solutions and services, with an option of extension to Reseller Partner (sales of RSIMS subscription and RS services by ASKOM).


The company has 30 years of experience in the integration of automation systems, production management systems (MES / MOM) and production of industrial software, including the Asix system (class: HMI / SCADA / MES). ASKOM’s solutions are based on the products of world leaders in the field of control and measuring apparatus, controllers, DCS and MES systems, including TIA platform from Siemens, as well as GE, Beckhoff and Wago controllers. Thanks to this depth of experience, clients receive solutions from one source. These solutions optimally integrate production systems with management systems. ASKOM has built references of over 600 systems for complex facilities, mainly in the food, energy, chemistry, coke and machinery industries, and over 13 thousand licenses of the Asix system are used in facilities in Poland and abroad.

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