We keep things running

We provide AI-power Solutions to help our Customers work
at the best optimal point and get long-term financial benefits

Factories of the future or perhaps the present?

In the evolution toward smart factories, predictive maintenance (PdM) plays a key role in ensuring effective maintenance management. Manufacturing companies are constantly striving to optimize the overall performance and profitability of their equipment, but often ineffectively. What is needed is a solution that identifies relevant data and translates it into action, and bridges the gap between systems, people and machines.

Predictive Maintenance (PdM), supported by Ai is an advanced approach to predict when machines will fail. Insightful monitoring and interpretation of information generated by equipment contribute to optimizing production processes, minimizing costs associated with unplanned downtime and increasing overall factory efficiency. A smart factory is nothing more than a factory that relies on data analysis - the key to a digital and automated manufacturing world. In short, Predictive mainteance is the future of your factory!

Make industry smarter


What you get out of it?

Optimize operations and maintenance
We build useful information from signals from machines, sensor data, documents and reports to facilitate taking action
Asset Management
Optimize your inventory by purchasing only the parts you truly need. Guarantee the availability of the right components precisely when you need them.
Personnel professionalisation
Optimize your efforts by focusing only on the most important tasks. Ensure a successful repair on the first try with properly qualified professionals and expertise!
Speed up root cause analysis
Have you ever wondered how to accelerate operational analysis? In a world where time is of the essence, our explanations reveal the hidden causes of production losses, making productivity the new constant.

Process manufacturing challenges

Digitalization and analytcis
Either we don't have the data or we keep data that we don't have time to analyse
Continuous competitiveness improvement
Continuously striving to improve operational efficiency, innovation and cost effectiveness. Requiring a proactive approach to identifying failures and cutting-edge technologies, streamlining processes and promoting a culture of continuous improvement.
Productivity and costs
Data is just more work, and it was supposed to be the other way around. Where can I improve production efficiency? How can I reduce maintenance costs?
Change management
The departure of experienced maintenance engineers from the profession and the difficulty of recruiting new staff to replace them. Transfer of knowledge and experience to incoming newcomers

How can we prevent today's challenges?

Predict mainteance based on process data

Monitor process behavior real time

Optimize Energy Efficiency

Predict heat exchanger fouling

Reduce costs, while improving product quality

Determine best operating zones based on process data

Send early warnings to the control team

Find root causes through pattern recognition



Awareness and willingness to undertake changes in the use of data together with selection of useful data sources. And all this based on an analysis of potential ROI and resource selection.
Observation and automatic data analysis
Optimize processes through anomaly detection, event labeling and error filtering. Provide reports on detected alarms and use them to send automatic early warnings to control personnel in case of deviations or to collect feedback.
Pattern identification and prediction
Why react when you can predict the future? Develop and implement procedures for responding to alarms reported by the system. Optimize the plant through in-depth data analysis.

What can you achive with Predictive Maintenace

80 %
Minimization of the number of failures
55 %
Minimizing the number of unplanned downtimes
30 %
Minimization of technical maintenance costs
25 %
Increase in production profits
> 10 X
Return on investment

What distingues us over the competition?

You are not alone with the product
We provide support in the entire process of drawing conclusions from data, from selecting signals to launching and supervising analytical models
We connect worlds
We build useful information from signals from machines, sensor data, documents and reports to facilitate taking action
Customer Centric approach
ReliaSol’s offers a hybrid and ecosystem approach that combines SaaS software products with necessary services and unique domain knowledge
We facilitate the transformation to Industry 4.0
We provide a package of tools along with a data analysis service at every stage of transformation
Digitalization of events
We reval hidden causes, analyze and improve the process of interface from data

Where will RSIMS PdM solutions find application?

Global challenges
Critical business challenges are interdependent – if equipment availability suffers, then production levels, costs and profits also suffer. Various and complex challenges require making decisions. Effectiveness and relevance of these decisions significantly depend on the quality of the information already possessed and its availability at the right time. Tools based on artificial intelligence (AI), which are developed and offered by our company, perfectly support industrial enterprises in the gradual achievement of digital operational excellence.

Our industries
Solutions offered by our company have a universal character, and they are used where the high efficiency and reliability of industrial installations and individual manufacturing devices, along with the highest safety standards are essential.

Areas in which we operate:
-> Energy, Manufacturing, Chemical and Petrochemical, Food, Oil and Gas, Raw Materials, Metals and Mining.
"We see the need to implement artificial intelligence-based solutions in the industry. Cooperation with qualified RS staff is effective in solving our clients' problems"
Data analysis specialists
"The PdM solution prepared for Tauron is able to predict up to 100% of failures of devices monitored by the system within a time horizon of 3-17 hours. It is a faster and more accurate insight into the operation of machines than any other monitoring system"
100% failure prediction
"Partnership with ReliaSol is the key to our customers' success. Together with RS, we enable them to monitor the condition of machines and control the processes taking place in the enterprise."
The key to customer success
"...The results of water demand forecasting were characterized by high accuracy. The system has great potential for predicting water demand and can be used as a tool for planning and supporting business decisions."
High accuracy
"The nature of the cooperation between RS and GA assumed the implementation of increasingly complex projects. Particularly important was the production implementation of an innovative PdM system using AI, which predicts an upcoming failure with an accuracy of 98+%. The system is used every day by machine operators."
System with an accuracy of 98+%.
"Cooperation with Reliability Solutions has always been smooth and the services offered have been of high quality"
High quality services