Industries ReliaSol


Digital Enterprise of the 21st Century – join us on the path of digital transformation and take advantage of fully intelligent solutions supporting the achievement of operational perfection and effective management of production processes and resources.

Global challenges

Challenges faced by today’s managers include dealing with global and local processes in a profitable and safe way, taking into account the need for their continuous improvement. Critical business challenges are interdependent – if equipment availability suffers, then production levels, costs and profits also suffer. Various and complex challenges require making decisions. Effectiveness and relevance of these decisions significantly depend on the quality of the information already possessed and its availability at the right time. Tools based on artificial intelligence (AI), which are developed and offered by our company, perfectly support industrial enterprises in the gradual achievement of digital operational excellence

Our industries

Solutions offered by our company have a universal character, and they are used where the high efficiency and reliability of industrial installations and individual manufacturing devices, along with the highest safety standards are essential.

Energy – generation, transmission and distribution

The energy sector faces global challenges caused by deep changes occurring in its environment. New technologies, a change in the work regime of generating units (regulatory work, frequent shutdowns and start-ups), the power market and the constantly growing share of renewable energy (especially wind energy)  mean that existing generating units must operate in a regime, for which they were not designed. Therefore, they are increasingly vulnerable to failure. 

  • Industry benefits

  • Case studies

  • Dedicated Applications

The latest AI achievements for energy sector

In order to meet the needs of our clients from the energy industry, we implement innovative solutions in the area of energy generation, transmission and distribution that support the digital transformation of enterprises. We solve (old and new) problems with the use of tools adequate to the scale of the problem – new technologies based on artificial intelligence that enable organizations to – effectively – respond to emerging threats, be informed in advance about their potential occurrence and learn how to avoid them or minimize the effects of their occurrence.

Key benefits for industry:

  • anticipation of potential failures of generating units, as well as system of energy transmission and distribution
  • identification of the causes of failure (elimination of the initial cause of failure)
  • multi-criteria and holistic optimization of control – maintenance of the optimal production level, minimization of pollutions, flexible response to emerging changes
  • forecasting of demand for energy and/or utilities (steam, gas, water)

Project: implementation of Predictive Maintenance strategy for the generating unit  


The key task of energy companies is to ensure a stable and uninterrupted level of energy supply. Failures of machines can cause weeks of downtime and (consequently) huge financial losses. The objective of cooperation between companies was to minimize the number of failures in the generating unit (610 MW) at the power plant. Due to heavy operating conditions inside the fluidized-bed boiler, there were reductions in cross-sections of pipe walls with water under high-pressure. This led to explosions and damage in the inner part of the boiler and (as a consequence) costly downtime.


The PdM solution is able to predict 100% of failures within a time horizon (3-17 hours). It can indicate the place of failure. This is a faster and more accurate view of the machine’s operation than any other monitoring system.

The predictive diagnostics system in the form of the RSIMS (Reliability Solutions Intelligence Maintenance System) platform, based on artificial intelligence, reduces costs of removing failures. Thanks to additional hours, during which the generating unit may be available, it increases revenues from the operational power reserve and revenues from the energy market.

Learn more about implementation and read case study

ReliaSol for Wind Turbine – #WindTurbineApp

Wind power must still compete with conventional generation sources on a cost basis. That is why wind turbines’ operators are facing the following challenges:

  • How to improve the Return On Investment (ROI) 
  • How to increase the wind turbine lifetime
  • How to improve productivity
  • How to minimize the number of unexpected downtimes
  • How to optimize maintenance operations
  • How to optimize spare parts planning

#WindTurbineApp monitors and predicts the most common wind turbines failures.

Monitored components:

  • generator
  • transmission
  • gearbox
  • converter
  • blades

The proven results and benefits we deliver:

  • improved asset availability
  • improved profitability
  • optimized workforce
  • knowledge about asset behaviour
  • improved safety by levering the risk of failures
  • decreased service loss
  • decreased unplanned maintenance and downtime
  • decreased maintenance costs by smart replacement
  • enabling allocation of people only to the necessary tasks

Manufacturing industry

The manufacturing industry, despite the fact that it includes such diverse industries as the automotive, engineering, pulp and paper, shipbuilding and many others sectors, mainly covers mass production, for which common challenges are: reduction of costs while increasing productivity, introduction of a high level of automation and mechanization, as well as high production flexibility and quick response to market expectations. 

  • Industry benefits

  • Dedicated applications

Monitor, diagnose, predict – predictive maintenance for the manufacturing industry

The speed of fitting for production lines, production of goods in individualized short series and decentralization of production are normal activities that significantly affect a company’s position in a highly competitive market.

Key benefits for industry:

  • anticipation of potential unplanned downtime of technological lines and individual machines, which significantly improves the OEE indicator
  • integration of data at the level of production line/enterprise and the use of aggregated information to make quick and effective business decisions
  • identification of the failure’s causes (elimination of the initial cause of the failure)
  • early response to the risk of deterioration in the quality of final products
  • multi-criteria and holistic optimization of the production process control, flexible response to emerging changes
  • maintenance of the level of production inventory and spare parts at an economically reasonable level
  • collection of expert knowledge in knowledge bases and its effective use in decision-making processes
  • forecasting of demand for energy and/or utilities (steam, gas, water)

ReliaSol for ASRS –  #ASRSApp

A system such as ASRS must operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, without interruption and without breakdown. That is why ASRS’ operators face the following challenges:

  • How to minimize the number of unexpected downtimes
  • How to improve uptime
  • How to improve productivity
  • How to increase the ASRS lifetime
  • How to optimize maintenance operations
  • How to optimize spare parts planning
  • How to improve the Return On Investment (ROI)

ASRS generates tons of data. By harvesting them, analytics solutions are able to get deep insights into machinery operations. RS #ASRSApp monitors and predicts the most common ASRS failures.

Monitored components:

  • lift

– motor

– transmission

  • propulsion

– Master&Slave Drive : motor, transmission, wheel

  • rail

The proven results and benefits we deliver

  • improved assets availability
  • improved profitability
  • optimized workforce
  • knowledge about asset behaviour
  • improved safety by levering the risk of failures
  • decreased service loss
  • decreased unplanned maintenance and downtime
  • decreased maintenance costs by smart replacement
  • limited allocation of people to necessary tasks

Chemical and petrochemical industry

Chemical and petrochemical plants are characterized by a multitude of technological installations, complexity of production processes and a large variety of end products. Despite this diversity, the common objective is to conduct processes in the safest, the most efficient and the most profitable way. Chemical installations are equipped with a variety of critical machines and devices: industrial furnaces, reactors, columns, tanks, silos, compressors, blowers, driers, centrifuges, pumps, extruders, heat exchangers, chillers, evaporators and much more.

  • Industry benefits

  • Case studies

Predictive analytics for the chemical industry

In order to achieve the overriding business targets, all these devices must work reliably, because the failure of a single device often has a cascade impact on the work of entire technological lines, and as a result – on the operation of the whole plant (or even a group of plants).

Key benefits for industry:

  • a significant increase in the availability of installations and equipment as a result of anticipating potential unplanned downtime of technological installations and individual machines and the implementation of solutions to avoid emergency situations
  •  identification and elimination of initial causes of failure
  • early warning of the hazard of deterioration in the quality of final products or threats in the quality of semi-finished products in batch production
  • multi-criteria and holistic optimization of the production process control, flexible response to emerging changes in production parameters, raw materials or business parameters (e.g. costs of raw materials and semi-finished products)
  • maintenance of the level of production inventory and spare parts at an economically reasonable level
  • collection of expert knowledge in knowledge bases and its effective use in decision-making processes
  • forecasting of demand for energy and/or utilities (steam, gas, water)

Project: implementation of Predictive Maintenance strategy for a steam turbine


Quantities of equivalent gas supplied in the reforming process were too high in relation to expectations in terms of maintaining production indicators in appropriate ranges, including in particular objectives connected with the maximization of the amount of produced mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen. The reforming process consisted of four successive blocks. In each of these blocks, several different variables were controlled. The aim of the project was to optimize the installation’s operating process in a way that would minimize gas consumption.


The adopted methods of metamodeling enabled the acquisition of knowledge about the course of the process, while the prepared optimization algorithm developed a solution that enabled the reduction of gas consumption by 1.35%.

  • the ability to predict the process at every stage
  • possibility to indicate potentially optimal control parameters
  • acquiring knowledge about the course of the process

The implementation of an innovative predictive maintenance system with the use of artificial intelligence forecasts upcoming failures with 98% of accuracy. RS solutions give unlimited possibilities to control the operation of machines, get insights into their condition and enable rational production planning, which produces a significant increase in the efficiency of the company in all aspects of its functioning. The RSIMS system, combined with expert knowledge is a guarantee of the highest quality of services and professional implementation of even the most comprehensive projects.

Learn more about implementation and read case study

Food and Brewery industry

The sector of food and drink production is inherently conservative when it comes to the implementation of modern technologies that support production processes and maintenance. This is often explained by the “specificity” of tasks conducted by these plants associated with the restrictive safety and hygiene standards. 

  • Industry benefits

  • Case studies

  • Dedicated applications

The latest technology for the enterprises

As a result, it is difficult for managers in these enterprises to accept new solutions, especially if the current production process (conducted in accordance with the determined practices) does not generate problems. Furthermore, in many enterprises, there is a misconception about the costs of modern solutions, which also effectively blocks the decision-making process in this regard.

Key benefits for the industry:

  • anticipation of potential unplanned downtime of technological lines and individual machines, which significantly improves the OEE indicator
  • identification and elimination of initial causes of failure
  • early warning of the hazard of deterioration in the quality of final products
  • multi-criteria and holistic optimization of the production process control, flexible response to emerging changes in parameters of raw materials and semi-finished products
  • maintenance of the level of production inventory and spare parts at an economically reasonable level
  • collection of expert knowledge in knowledge bases and its effective use in decision-making processes
  • forecasting of demand for energy and/or utilities (steam, gas, water)

Project: implementation of the PdM RSIMS solution for a warehouse stacker crane in a high storage warehouse 

The implementation of production plans is one of the basic goals that determines the efficiency of the production process. Unpredictable failures of the warehouse stacker crane caused a reduction in warehouse efficiency and generated unnecessary, unplanned direct and indirect costs connected with the need to repair this device.


During the first few months of operation, the system helped in the detection of two faults and enabled managers to detect anomalies in the operation of the system. Currently, thanks to regular data reviews, the system allows a deeper insight into the operation of the stacker crane and distinction of emergency anomalies from non-significant events

Currently, M-Logistic is able to determine the risk of the stacker crane’s failure in real time and make effective and quick business decisions. This has led to an increase in the warehouse’s efficiency.

Learn more about implementation and read case study

ReliaSol for ASRS – #ASRSApp

A system such as ASRS must operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, without interruption and without breakdown. That is why ASRS’ operators are facing the following challenges:

  • How to minimize the number of unexpected downtimes
  • How to improve uptime
  • How to improve productivity
  • How to increase the ASRS lifetime
  • How to optimize maintenance operations
  • How to optimize spare parts planning
  • How to improve the Return On Investment (ROI)

ASRS generates tons of data. By harvesting them, analytics solutions are able to get deep insights into machinery operations. RS #ASRSApp monitors and predicts the most common ASRS failures.

Monitored components:

  • lift

– motor

– transmission

  • propulsion

– Master&Slave Drive : motor, transmission, wheel

  • rail

The proven results and benefits we deliver

  • improved assets availability,
  • improved profitability,
  • optimized workforce,
  • knowledge about asset behaviour,
  • improved safety by levering the risk of failures,
  • decreased service loss,
  • decreased unplanned maintenance and downtime,
  • decreased maintenance costs by smart replacement,
  • limited allocation of people to necessary tasks.

Extraction, transmission, storage and processing of oil and gas

The oil and gas extraction industry is a rapidly developing industrial sector. For this sector,  human safety and the environment are treated as a priority. The safety and efficiency of production systems is largely dependent on applied technology. A key parameter of this technology is its high reliability. 

  • Industry benefits

Implement predictive analytics tools in your processes.

Growing challenges in the field of safety and reliability require the use of modern methods of monitoring and diagnostics of all key technological devices and installations, including solutions informing management about potential hazards in advance to take preventive action. Failure in this respect may be the cause of serious accidents resulting in environmental pollution.

Key benefits for the industry:

  • a significant increase in the availability of installations and devices as a result of anticipating potential unplanned downtime and implementing solutions aimed at avoiding adverse events
  • identification and elimination of initial causes of failure
  • early response to hazards connected with the reduction of safe working conditions for people and devices, as well as environmental pollution
  • maintenance of the level of production inventory and spare parts at an economically reasonable level
  • collection of expert knowledge in knowledge bases and its effective use in decision-making processes