ReliaSol delivers digital products for production maintenance that utilize proprietary AI and ML algorithms. We provide software and services that accelerate digital transformation. Applications we develop combine real data from machines, sensors, event reports and automate the drawing of conclusions. The result of our tools' work is data visualization, prediction of events and monitoring of the optimal range of machines' operation, including entire production lines.
These products reduce the risk of failures associated with Industry 4.0 implementation, and allow the rapid and effective building of analytical models that predict adverse events and recommend actions to increase efficiency, resulting in time savings and improved performance in production.
RSIMS Modules are standalone solutions, with tools that enable fast and efficient PdM deployment creating an RSIMS platform.
RSIMS Modules provide insight into key signals by interfacing with a wide range of platforms and protocols.
Data sources
Equipment analysis
Selection of useful data sources for the project. Key data sources involve machine sensor data, historical maintenance records (historical data is not required).
of a basic alarm system
Construction of an automatic online data acquisition system. This system integrates with machine sensors, collecting real-time performance data, and facilitates continuous monitoring.
data analysis
Anomaly detection, event labelling, error filtering, generating comprehensive reports on detected alarms. Automatic analysis allows you to quickly identify potential problems, categorize events, filter errors and provide detailed reports for your proactive maintenance strategy.
Identification of patterns
Detection, diagnostic & prognostics
Changes in the culture of the organization. Develop and implement procedures for responding to alarms reported by the system. Implementation of procedures enabling quick response to alarms signaled by the system. Building a culture of proactive response.
Predicting adverse
In-depth data analysis, recommendations for process optimization. The goal is to improve operational efficiency and eliminate problems.
Low costs in the beginning
Flexibility of adjusting number of monitored machines
On/off mechanism
Purely OPEX type of investment
Lower investment risk
No or small costs related to system maintenanace
Lifetime license
APEX type of investment
May require model recalibration
Higher investment risk
Additional costs related to system updates, upgrades, maintenance (separate maintenance agreement)
Collaboration products
Support at every stage of Industry 4.0
Monitoring of machines in the plant through a mobile tool
Conducting analysis of environmental data affecting downtime
Define and describe the data and improve its quality
Predefined filters for data analysis
Regular notifications of exit events from the operating point of the equipment
Analysis reports on alarms and system performance - maintenance service.
Prediction of repair time - is the plan rolling, where you are
Rapid application deployment to explore value from data
Control of the efficiency of the machinery park at the plant
Update review procedures and maintenance plan
Integration with ERP, EAM, CMMS systems